
Survived the first week
I have spent about 1 week and two days at my host family's home and I just have to say... IT'S AWESOME!
The family has really welcomed me and I never thought that I would feel at home so quickly. I'm really happy that I landed here and I think everythng will work just fine.
Being an au pair is though pretty different from what I had imagined... For example are there a lot routines that I have to get used to. I knew that there were, but I didn't think about the real basic ones... For example sleeping in the middle of the day. It's not hard to get used to putting kids to bed during the day, but that together with all the ohter new stuff that I have to get used to makes it harder than it should be... 
The worst part though has been driving on the left side of the road. Almost everything is backwards... Except for the famous "högerregeln" (when the traffic coming from the right side goes first and you have to let them pass). I was convinced that it would be the other way around, since everything else is. But apparently not...
Well, as the famous song goes: "I will survive". And now I actually think I'm starting to get used to it.
I was in Nelson today to visit a handicraft market. It wasn't very big but the things they sold there were really nice.
I also visited the beach inn Motueka. They apparently have a ship wreck just outside the town, so I went to visit it. It was really nice weather and the ship wreck was cool, but when I tried to get to it I noticed that the ground was a little to wet. My shoes sank in the mud, so I couldn't get close... I will have to try it again sometime.
I also saw a swimming pool that was outside. It looked pretty nice and my host mother told me that they used to go there during the summer. 
I'm already excited for the next week here! There is so many things to see!
Ps: I couldn't resist it! Ds

#1: Therese

Halloj! Härliga bilder, tror du längtar till sommaren

Svar: Det trodde du va? Deras VINTER är SOMMAR! ;)

2013-07-07 @ 09:29:45
#2: Sara

Fina bilder!!!
Saknar dig jätte mycket !!!!!

2013-07-07 @ 09:52:06
#3: Michaela

Fina bilder Anna! Och skönt att höra att du har fått en så bra familj, det är ju det viktigaste om man ska trivas under ett helt år i ett främmande land :)

Svar: Jag håller fullständigt med dig! Och tack förresten :)

2013-07-07 @ 12:32:16
#4: marre

Tror det var på någon strand eller så i Australien som det fanns ett liknande strandat skepp fast där växer nu en skog i.. (på vattnet) :)

2013-07-07 @ 18:29:51
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